"My parents had a lot of similar values even though they’re from different circumstances. Things like conserving nature and not wasting anything. Their experiences have been part of what shaped me as a person."

Natasha Chassagne
Sustainability and Climate Writer, Researcher, Mother
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"Everyone educates differently, and every service is different, but what’s important to me — whether it’s the mum, the nan, or the child — is to be that one supportive person in someone’s life."

Kara Richardson
Early childhood educator and centre leader, parent
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"If you have a Deaf child, I think it’s important to learn Auslan, for communication as well as culture. Babies can pick up signs from about 10 months. They can pick up sign language before spoken language and can actually ask for what they want."

Ben Richardson
Auslan Interpreter, Teacher, Comedian
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"My whole life has changed. I never expected to have kids. But it has been the best thing. This is the space I want to work in. It was from Lynn giving me that chance that I’ve been able to be where I am today."

Sarah Smits
Tasmanian Aboriginal Woman, Parent, Community Inclusion Worker
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"My advice would be to find your people and your village. Let them in. They want to help you through difficult times as well as be there to celebrate the good times."

Jessica Cute
Child and Family Health Nurse, Mum
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